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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere!

Swimming, boating, tubing, jet skiing, water skiing, wake boarding, knee boarding, jumping on a trampoline (in the water), swinging on a rope and dropping into water, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, splashing, diving, and spraying. There are so many things you can do to entertain you and your families with water and I have not even scratched the surface.

We are still a few weeks away from the first official day of summer. However, my family’s summer activities were jumpstarted this weekend when we visited Lake Anna, located about 90 miles South West of DC, thanks to some dear friends who hosted us. This was a momentous trip to the lake for our family, particularly our son Brice. Just shy of his second birthday, he experienced tubing, riding on a jet ski (with my arms clenched around his waist of course) and jumping repeatedly into the lake from the dock after being cued to do so by the ever so famous nursery rhyme that ends in “ashes, ashes, we all fall down”.

I really did not give Brice much of a chance to veto the water activities. I figured he was too young to be scared since he’d never fallen off a tube, been thrust from a jet ski or touched the bottom of a slimy, gritty lake. As a result, I had him jump in two feet, literally to overcome any anxiety he might have had of the water. I am however, reluctant to admit that he was not overwhelmed by the tubing experience and unbelievably he conked out asleep sitting up, while going 30+ miles an hour on a jet ski. That said, he did not really complain either and I am anticipating future breakdowns when he has to share turns or I announce it is time to go home for the day.

Every kid has their own personality including their own dislikes, likes, fears, anxieties, traits and idiosyncrasies. I can’t be guaranteed my boys are going to like everything their dad and I expose them to or that they will always want to partake in the activities we set out to do as a family. However, I will strive to expose the boys to as much as possible and after at least giving things a try, encourage the boys to draw their own conclusions and develop their own preferences. Trying is key because I can’t bear the thought of raising kids who are afraid of things.

So back to my initial rambling about water, this is many times the cause of fear and anxiety for people. I can’t imagine growing up being fearful of water activities, but I do recognize that many people have developed anxiety associated with drowning. My goal will be to seek out and attempt as many water related activities as I can think of to do with my sons with the hope of making them feel comfortable about water.

Water activities are synonymous with summer. At the beach you can go swimming, jump in waves, wade in the water, sail, surf, boogie board, rest on a raft or at the pool you can dive, play water games, compete in water relays, do water aerobics, play water polo or other sports like water basketball volleyball. Despite not having readily available access to a pool, lake or ocean, there are still plenty of other good, fun water activities to be enjoyed. Washing cars, running in the sprinkler, tossing water balloons, and squirting water guns are everyday water activities to be enjoyed in the backyard or at a local park. All you really need is a good hot, summer day filled with plenty of sunshine and access to some water to plan your water related activities.

Some water activities will be easy, some more difficult. I can’t promise my boys will enjoy all water activities, but I can promise I will expose them to as many water related activities I can think of and then have them decide when and how they will enjoy engaging in water activities throughout their lives. Bring on summer!

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