
Thank you for your interest. Please share your thoughts, insights and ideas and come again.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why the "Saturdays With Brice and Cole" Blog

“This is the Time to Remember because it will not last forever….”

If we had a nickel for every time someone said to us, “cherish the time with your kids, they will grow up before you know it”, we’d all be extremely rich. For those of you who already are extremely rich, good for you but you would still be richer. It will seem like a microsecond before we are shipping our last kid off to college, attending one of our kids’ weddings or dare I even mention becoming a grandparent. As you rock your newborn feverishly so that both you and he can salvage a couple hours of sleep or you find yourself cleaning your toddlers mess after he reverted back to going to the bathroom in his pants despite several successful months of being potty trained or you attempt to reason with your kindergartner on what is appropriate to wear to school since her style falls somewhere between Cyndi Lauper and Pipi Longstocking’s, we all sadly know that one day we will miss these moments. It may seem like an eternity from now, but inevitably, we will all find ourselves reflecting upon our children’s milestones and youth by uttering the words, where did the time go?

Why Blog About Family Activities?
In a busy world where our weekdays are full of work, school, sports, community responsibilities and other activities, it is no surprise when our energy wanes as we struggle to identify creative and fun activities that we can share during our free time with our families.

Where to go for ideas?
Who says you have to leave your city, neighborhood or even your own home to find fun activities and capture countless memories to fill photo albums, video footage and stories to be told during family gatherings for years to come? However, without the time or idea of where to go for ideas, we find ourselves struggling to ignite creativity, spontaneity and excitement to fill our moments with our kids and instead resort to doing the same old things. What should I do with my kids today since it is raining outside? We are stranded inside for the weekend as a result of a massive snowstorm and how are we going to keep the kids occupied? We want to adopt some family traditions of our own, but where do we start? Where should we take the kids for a family vacation? We feel like doing something new and exciting this weekend with the kids, what are some ideas?

There are so many ideas of activities to help foster fun and build memories with our kids; we can’t possibly be expected to develop a comprehensive list of ideas alone. Why should each of us have to conduct the research and develop our own lists when we can share our ideas amongst a network of families who are all looking for ideas on new, exciting activities to share with our kids to strengthen the family bond and ignite some fun?

Local and Far Away Fun
I am local to the DC area so some of the thoughts I intend for this online community to share include activities specific to DC. DC and its surrounding areas offer so much history, culture, cuisine, and fun opportunities, that it is impossible as an individual to keep up on all the local special events, shows, performances, parades, festivals and activities. So if you too are local to DC, feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with local activities, places, museums, parks, restaurants and playgrounds. DC has many things that other cities have to offer as well, so if you are not local to DC don’t be turned off, instead some of the local DC ideas might be relevant in your town as well or you can receive a list of ideas of things to check out on your next visit to the nation’s capital.

Tell One, Tell All
Anything you do with your kids, please capture these moments and share with us your feelings, thoughts, recommendations (good or bad), and opinions. If you check out a new playground, attend a children’s performance, try a new craft, cook a meal with your kids, take a kid friendly vacation, discover something fun to do with your kids on a rainy day, or get your kids to try something you like to do, I encourage you to share your experiences with our community.

Thank you for your interest and support. I look forward to trying out your favorite family activities and to blogging with you.

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